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ProRep Leaf Litter Brick, 500g
In stock: 4 available
Product Details
A compact brick of fragmented leaf litter, designed to mimic the intricate layers characteristic of natural forests and jungles. Within forest ecosystems, leaf litter plays a pivotal role in fostering biodiversity and sustaining life. As leaves fall and accumulate on the forest floor, they form a diverse and nutrient-rich microenvironment that nurtures a multitude of animal species. This natural blanket of decomposing foliage offers refuge to insects, amphibians, and reptiles, shielding them from predators and harsh environmental conditions. Furthermore, the gradual breakdown of leaf litter enriches the soil with vital nutrients, providing a fertile foundation for plant growth and supporting small detritivores like woodlice, millipedes, and springtails. Serving as a cornerstone of forest ecosystems, leaf litter facilitates interconnected relationships that bolster overall ecosystem health and resilience. When incorporated alongside other soil substrates and larger leaf litter components, our leaf litter brick aids in recreating the diverse layers characteristic of forest habitats, promoting biodiversity and ecosystem vitality.
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ProRep Leaf Litter Brick, 500g
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